Learn from our hotel experts

Engage with our team and your peers to give your community a boost


Stay on top of changing trends

We know the travel industry and hotel program best practices are constantly evolving and it can be difficult to keep up. The Speaker's Corner is designed to help you stay ahead of the latest trends. These learning sessions and informative blogs are provided by our expert hotel consultants, BCD subject matter experts and industry leaders. You’ll learn from the best in the industry every month and come away with actionable insights into all different aspects of managing a hotel program.

Connect with your peers

You’ll have access to the Hotel Boost Community to discuss a variety of challenges and opportunities, problem-solve and share successes. Our subject matter experts will join in the conversation to address your questions and help give your program the boost it needs to take it to the next level.

Give your business travel hotel program a boost

Reach new levels of savings and satisfaction with a comprehensive suite of curated tools to manage your hotel program.


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